Thursday, February 10, 2005

It's a choice

You know, at times, when faced with making decisions, we have a choice. Why choice? Because I believe there are always 2 ways of going about doing things. Do we follow our flesh and do what we want? And in return get the result we want no matter whether we hurt anyone in process? Or do we follow God's way and say, 'Lemme give grace and let God handle it'

I dunno how many of you face daily decisions like this. But perhaps, God's really teaching me through this. The choice to put God's way and God's will above my way and my will.

You know, the hardest thing about having a dream, is to live it out and inspire others to follow the dream of yours. It's never an easy job to lead a bunch of young adults and youth. I, for one, don't think I'm good enough. I just don't cut it God! Why me? I don't want the termed leader either. Haihh~ It's just so cliche. You know, I rather be happily married and earning a stable income, with perhaps 1-2 children. But no, I've a dream and it's not easy.

So many things happened recently. My previous laptop started dying off, my car broke down and costed a total of rm 1630, I had a misunderstanding with someone, a good friend *sigh* Can't push the situation anymore. Guess I've gotta trust in God and let God heal the situation.

What else? Guess I'm the kinda guy dat goes, 'Oh no, dat person ain't talking much to me today. I must have screwed up' and then proceeds to try too hard. (hmm, yea, looking at it again, trying too hard tends to make the situation worse rite?) Haha, yea, as God's leading, it's a choice. It takes maturity to trust in God in such situations. It takes faith to listen to God's voice and act on it, instead of looking at the surroundings. Heh, I just remembered what Uncle Dexter told me too. 'Don't look at your circumstances, but have faith in God'

Decisions, choices. What would you do? If Gideon continued to look upon his situations, he would still have remained a sheep hand.

Anyways, hah, yea, just wanna take the opportunity to wish every reader a blessed and productive Chinese New Year~! Keep the pork meat consumed! After all, pork's a rarity from where I come from, really, heheh..

Btw, don't forget to measure your waistline and weight before and after CNY. The difference in them would be the ones you want to get rid of, rite?

God Bless~

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