Monday, February 14, 2005


Was thinking about the Youth/Young Adults thingy that we've just launched in church. It seems like there's so much to do, so much to accomplish, and well, I feel like giving up.

Why give up so fast? I dunno, not easy as my Pastor would also want me involved in those family cell groups in Sunway on Friday nights. But then, dat it not where my heart lies, and I usually feel so drained coming back from those. It's just dat the age gap and communication wavelengths are so wide.

Perhaps I should really sit down and talk to her about my priorities, should I? After all, I need to graduate and I told God and myself dat Monday to Fridays are for my studies and nothing else. Perhaps CF too..but not an additional family based cell group I wouldn't want to attend. *sigh* I do pray I could get through to her on this issue.

On the other hand, I just created a yahoo groups for us, the youths (hah, I still consider those working as youths. We're still young after all rite?) Hopefully it'll facilicate better communications and exchange of ideas of how a cell group should be run, especially a cell group dat is geared towards reaching out to youths of the area.

Yea, and as I was pondering about it, asking God for guidance, I felt the word, 'Differentiate' come into my head. And well, it stayed on and gave me an idea/a vision of a group dat are willing to stay different for God. Not weird or funny people, but people with a mission to change their workplace and their study place.

Differentiate, cause we're not doing this for the sake of getting the biggest amount of people in (as most youth groups/churches would aim for, haihh), but because we want to care, share and love the people around us.

Differentiate, because we've got a mission to reach out to the youths of USJ, while most churches would target a university based audience to reach out to. After all, research has shown, 90% of people getting saved, do so while they're below 18. At least, they've been exposed to Christ in someway (Sunday School, youth groups, etc)

Guess dats it. It's not going to be easy, and I would need all the help I can. After all, I don't wanna run a Youth/Young adults dat forces people to come for the sake of coming. Let's care..

God Bless~!

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