Friday, November 26, 2004

Choices of life

'Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, Before the difficult days come, And the years draw near when you say, "I have no pleasure in them"' Ecclesiastes 12:1-7

Was just browing through CY Leow's Photoblog when I came across photos taken in the 1970s. And as I looked closer, boy, I noticed that some of the guys were wearing fashion not unlike today. Tight fitting shirt and pants that just fit. And that was 20 years ago.

It was then a certain realisation hit me. 20 years isn't a short time. Time flies and waits for no one, not you, not me and certainly not the milkman (ok, the last one was lame, heh). These days, I've been reading the book, 'The Man in the mirror' by Patrick Morley. And the first two chapters hit me even more. (Patrick Morley spoke about the rat race in the first chapter & leading an unexamined life in the second)

And as I sat at my new favorite lepak spot (which is IKEA btw), sipping coffee and going through my book, many thoughts rushed through my head. At times, I do feel that, hey, I may be too square, too innocent for a world out there. After all, I don't do clubbing, smoking or drinking. And neither do most of the friends that I spend time with do so.

And I figured, perhaps I should get some clubbing, smoking and drinking friends that would bring me to this places. To get exposed to the real world. But yet again, looking back at Daniel, Daniel kept himself pure even when the others didn't mind eating food sacrificed to the Babylonian God. Would that go to show that it's not about our experiences that make us, but how much we honour God in our dailly lives? Furthermore, most ministers don't do drugs or gangsterism to be able to minister to these people.

And yet, these brings me to the other thing that I felt God bringing me through now. As I like sitting around IKEA reading my books, I did some people observation during my free time. And yea, what fascinates me now is to look at married couples (plus their children if they've brought their children along).

It's indeed interesting to look at the husbands (and not the wives) and trying to figure out what makes them good dads/husbands to their families. And when I do see one, I ask myself, 'Could I make a good dad/husband as well?' And well, I felt God telling me, it's not about others, not now anyway. But it's about me and my walk with God. Where am I as a person after God's heart? Where am I as a Christian (which means as a follower of Christ)

I have a strange feeling that well, God will provide if and when needed. And now is not the time to worry about all these. (p/s: I would have been attached long ago if I was desparate anyway, heh) There's the few subjects more to finish and also the church ministry I'm in. Furthermore, I'm contemplating getting a part time job soon. Perhaps in the Sales Engineer side or management. I shouldn't look to the left not right, but look straight ahead to the finishing line.

Choices of life, that's what I name this post. Choices because anytime a wrong decision could derail a life committed to Christ. Choices because it's easy to be rash and irrational when you're young (heh, 25 is still young, and I'm 24 until December 17th, hehe).

But when you're old (like the people in CY Leow's photo), would you look back and regret not doing more with the life you've been given? Would you regret not serving God with more zeal and passion or keeping your holiness for Christ alone? Instead that girl(or guy) that you spent most brain juice thinking about has derailed your life. That career that seemed so good and let you shop till you drop has caused you your ministry and family. That unexamined life that you lead until it was too late, caused the most pain and regrets.

Guess that's it. Till another inspiration of writing comes or another crappy joke comes along, God Bless~

Saturday, November 20, 2004

A comedy of errors

Was at work today when my handphone buzzed. Looking at it, there was an unknown number, 016-478 xxxx (heheh, private numberlah). And thus, calling back, I reached Cheng Yong (or so I thought I did)

'Hey, who's this?'
'Chee Yong lah, don't you have my number?'
'What? Cheng Yong? What's up?'
'You're going to Serdang for dinner tonight? Can include me ar?'
'Okays, call you back later when I reach home lah. Expensivela'

And thus, reaching back the forsaken land of Cyberjaya, I messaged Cheng Yong online.
'Dude, you joining us for dinner later?'
'What dinner? I already ate. Why din inform me earlier?'
'What!? Thought I told you I'll message you when I get back'
'Huh? You did? Didn't receive also. Can I join you all go yamcha?'
'Shure, just meet us at the A1 carpark at 7:30'

At 7:40 (haha, I was running late. Erm, checking out my hair, you know..), I called that number again
'Hey, where are you? We're leaving already if you're not here'
'Ah? Nevermindla, don't think I wanna go'

We left Cyberjaya.

5 minutes later, my phone buzzed again. This time, the caller ID was Cheng Yong.
'Hey, where are you guys? Leaving yet?'
'What? Thought you said you're not joining us one'
'Huh? Did I? Nevermindla..'
*confused myself*

Only later when we arrived at Serdang's Hakka Bamboo restaurant I asked Bea to check out the number for me. It was kinda funny for Cheng Yong to have 2 numbers.
'Hold on yea, checking now'
' is it Cheng Yong?'
'Erm, nope. It's Chee Yong'


No wonder it confused me, heheheh.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Vestiges of Pride

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" Matthew 6:19-21

I was looking at the TV a few days ago, when they announced the death of Yasser Arafat. And there, going through the TV screens were video shots of Arafat's last days alive. There was Arafat, waving to supporters as he was lifted into the airplane to be brought to France for treatment. Affable smile I would add.

And then it hit me. I was brought back to the time when my grandfather was frail, ail and dying. Losing hope against recovering from some serious infections at that time. And so, like Arafat, Granpa was going around, waving and trying to shake the hands of friends he thought they were (when we went for dimsum in some place in Alor Setar) And it was heart breaking to see them reaching out to greet my uncle (the son of my Granpa) instead of Granpa himself. To most of them, Granpa was already an invalid, a man way past his prime time.

And it was at the bank when Granpa acted strange. There he was, withdrawing more than 10k in cash, and then passing me 6 k to keep in my pockets. My thoughts raced then. 'Why Granpa?', was the question I was asking myself. Was it to show he still had money?

And when I was going to leave Alor Setar, Granpa asked me in Hokkien, 'Do you have enough money to spend? Why not stay here a few more days?' I wanted to, really, but I was running broke after CF camp and the Perlis mission trip. Plus the fact my uncle was uneasy with me staying there, since I was one of Granpa's favorite grand sons. And there, on the spot, he tried passing me rm 500.

'Take it', Granpa told me. And he insisted on it a couple of times. Though, in the end, I did not, as I wanted to show Granpa that I was there not for his money, but for him. That I loved him for who he is and not how much he could give me. And when all these was happening, Uncle was uneasy and squirming in his seat.

But this is not a story on my family (not now though). As Yasser Arafat waved at the crowds as a man near the end of his life, the words, 'Vestiges of pride' flashed through this head of mine. Pride, cause at the end of our lives, we grasp on to what we think is significant to us, our lifetime achievements and hard work, thinking that's what the world cares too. And they will respect us for it

It was sad to not able to share with Granpa before he died. To show him, it's not about the money or fame after all, but Christ who lives in us. Nobody paid attention to him when he was dying anyway. Isn't it sad how the world works?

And at these occasions, I'm reminded of Christ, his love and his commandment to us all. 'Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit' Matthew 28:19. Isn't that much more important than trying to do what we think are the most important to us?

Someone once said, most of us spend our lifetime trying to climb up the ladder, only to find in the end that it's on the wrong side of the wall. Be it fame, riches or love (yes, love. Most people spend their lifetime trying to find dat elusive one, only to find none actually satisfies their soul), would you put God first above all?

God Bless~

Friday, November 12, 2004

The Arcade

It's been so long since I ventured into the arcade center. Those were days where a ringgit would keep me in the arcade center for 2-3 hours to the end (heheh, I was practically undefeatable for some games *grin*). So thus, it was a delight to drop by the arcade center again with the whole bunch of CFers after the movies.

We had 10 of us, 8 who were willing to play (and pay) but unfortunately 4 Daytona machines available. Thus, we had to take turns playing and seeing who ends up with winning in the end.

It was my 2nd round, having did badly in the 1st when I pleasantly found my opponents were Celine and Kek Yang. Being the not-so-amateur driver I was, it was sheer delight to be able to *ehem* trash them in this game I 'thought' (yep, it's in inverted commas, heheheh) I knew so well.

But halfway through, I crashed twice and even screwed up the gears. Man, things weren't looking good! And checking the screen, I was placed 3rd out of 3rd place (!) So much for some boasting I made before the *ehem* slaughter started, heheh.

But who says prayer doesn't work? I told God he better help me win, else I lose face sitting next to Celine, having already boasted about my so called driving techniques (heheh, I know. I'm using God's name in vain *bleh*)

A miracle happened shortly after that. They crashed into each other while I stole ahead. Manual cars are much faster, that's why the pros drive them *smiles till my while teeth shows*

So, what's the moral of the story? Erm, nothing really. Other than the fact that the arcade teaches you to pray to God when you're in trouble..nahh!

p/s: Anyone for another around of Daytona? Gotta make them smell some burnt rubber, hahaha

Are you a loyal friend?

Got this from Ee Yern's blog. It's pretty good thinking stuff that makes me think again and again, 'Am I a loyal friend?' Guess when you've hit your mid-twenties, you begin to wonder who are actually your friends. Can the security guard you say 'hi' to everyday be termed as a friend? Can your classmates (and ex-classmates) make best friends? Can Christians from the Christian Fellowship we have be termed as loyal friends? (or just a small portion that share the same wavelength, hmm I wonder)

p/s: Btw, research has shown that a lonely person is more likely to die earlier!*gasp* Better not go around with baseball bat and try to hit people to make them submit into being my friend, heheheh

Here's Ee Yern's writings..

I came across this interesting subject while reading John Maxwell's Your Road Map For Success. It talks about being loyal. So what does it mean for others to be loyal to you?

They love you unconditionally. They accept you with your strengths and weaknesses intact. They genuinely care for you, not just for what you can do for them. And they are neither trying to make you into someone you're not nor putting you on pedestal.

They represent you well to others. Loyal people always paint a positive picture of you with others. They may take you to task privately or hold you accountable, but they never criticise you to others.

They are able to laugh and cry with you as you travel together. Loyal people are willing and able to share your joys and sorrows. They make the trip less lonely.

They make your dream their dream. Some people will undoutedly share the journey with you only briefly. You help one another for a while and then go your separate ways. But a few--a special few--will want to come alongside you and help you for the rest of the journey. These people make your dream their dream. They will be loyal unto death, and when they combine that loyalty with other talents and abilities, they can be some of your most valuable assets. If you find people like that, take good care of them.

(excerpt from John C. Maxwell's Your Road Map For Success)

I was once asked this question, "Who would be the 6 people that would carry your coffin when you die?". Those 6 people are usually the closest, the most loyal friends. During that time, I realise that I could not find 6. Like most of us, we do not many true, loyal friends in our lives. I have made a decision many years ago to invest in lives and to be a loyal friend to people around me. Occasionally, I might stumble but I thank God that I learn from every fall, every experience. How about you? Have you been a loyal friend lately?

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


Had the thought of starting a bikers group here in Cyberjaya. And nope, not the Harley-Davidson kind of bikers, but more like a group of cyclists, cycling around Cyberjaya (and terrorising all those cats that get in our way, hahahaha)

But why cycling? Unlike jogging, where you tend to tire out and have to stop to rest, you can virtually cycle non-stop, as long as there's no trafficla. And there's also the breeze factor and the fact that petrol prices are going up soon (heard it's going up after Raya *shudder*) Add a pair of cool looking Oakleys and some girls might actually drool, heheheh (nah, just me and my crappiness *bleh*)

I guess what I really missed about my secondary school life was that I used to cycle around the neighbourhood, sometimes looking up friends, sometimes just having some fun and at other times, doing some thinking as I cycled. And there was also a few excursions to the cycling trails with friends on my trusty old mountain bike. Those still remain etched unto my memory as something cool I did while I was still a teen.

So, what about you? Wanna cycle as well? It's not only good exercise, but also good fun (try racing about with a friend, heheh). Just pray I can save up enough for a pretty decent bike *smile*

Guess that's it. There's still work to be done tomorrow. God Bless~

Sunday, November 07, 2004


To tell the truth, the main reason I took up Christianity seriously was the fact I had no place else to run or hide. Friends could only help for a certain extent, but God heals and mends. Back then, the CD of Don Moen singing, 'I am the Lord, that healeth thee' calmed my soul as I struggled to understand life. (Heh, actually bought the CD for my dad, but ended up listening to it everyday)

Scars, is what I term this post. Guess that God's leading me through a period of restoration and healing now. Healing from the various vicious things people sometimes speak unintentionally (or for some, with intent *sigh*) Healing from emotional wounds and scars that never really healed, as it was all shoved down under the guise of 'being macho & loud'

These few weeks had been a period of insecurity and depression. But the truth was, it ran deeper than this. There were a lot of times in the past, where I would excuse myself from the crowd and find a place to hide, cry and get upset with God. Thank God it's almost over now.

I used to (and sometimes still do) go around feeling down, feeling I don't cut it with people and finally feeling I need to do more to be accepted. I thank God for friends who have been there showing that it's ok to be just me, the plain old crappy/serious/boring Leo that I am.

One thing I've definitely learnt is that the past will always be the past. Scars will be scars, though at times it brings back insecurity and the feeling that I don't belong there.

Guess that's it. For those of you who were there for me (and you know who you are), thanks, I owe you guys one.

God Bless~

Friday, November 05, 2004


Was just browsing through Ching's site when I came across this link (link removed due to unappropriate pictures, heh). Why do people do things to look young? Especially when they have all the money they ever need?

No wonder people say you'll never be satisfied. How shall we live our lives?

God Bless~

Monday, November 01, 2004


A lot of things have been happening recently. Many forced me to sit, think and sometimes cry out to God. Sometimes I don't quite comprehend, thus I spend some time sitting alone trying to make sense of life. At other times, friends do help me process those thoughts.

So, what's new here? It's on two fronts. Firstly, I've been delayed once again in my Engineering degree by another four months (unless a miracle happens, heheh) Four awfully long months if you begin to think of the prospects of going to class & meals alone without the familiar faces of Leona, Su Chen, Su Yin, David Eng, Niger, Marcus, Ji Fong & Daniel Sim. Looks like I've gotta be prepared to sit alone once more *sigh*

But nah, I'm not gonna be down about this. I'll take this as another opportunity to work hard, study smart and make up for past failures. Another chance to reach out to the unreached. Another chance to learn more about life. Another chance to improve on my people skills without being too worried of what people might think (ah, the working world is surprisingly sensitive and critical, compared to undergrads)

There was some confusion (and depression as well) as dad suggested a credit transfer to some university in NZ or Australia. Going there not only involves uprooting myself, but having to find space and time to settle down there. I felt lost for awhile. Actually, the thought of doing stupid things raced across my mind, and for once I actually considered doing them.

But I believe God will bring me through this. He will make straight my paths and make right my ways as long as I surrender my all to Christ.

Part 2

On the 2nd front though, it's more subtle. Working has indeed opened my eyes to the good and yet the bad of the world. Unlike Chili's, where most of us are innocent young people, my workplace is filled with people who have done it all. Some of my colleagues boast about their (s)exploits and their adventures without flinching an eye bat (heh, must have told their stories many times around I guess)

And it's there you see the world is driven to fulfill it's desire. Wealth, Sex and Booze seems to be the order of the day. One colleague went around cursing the Boss as every item we repair nets the company tens of thousands, while his pay check does not change.

Yet another came back from Laos and boasted that he 'did' it with a couple of 18 year old prostitutes every night, with each amounting up to rm 110. While this, another boasted having slept with women from Korea, Japan, Singapore and a lot from his old workplace in Sarawak. I was left surprised, stunned, disgusted but yet thinking of why the world works in such a manner.

And Booze? Some of them suffer from liver problems due to their booze intake. But yet, they take booze as they have marital problems. All due to their skirt chasing ways while they had less wrinkles.

Part 3

At times, I ponder whether Christianity would be the right way to go. After all, the world out there seems so much more exciting compared to the boring old Church. There are a lot of things out there to snare a young man's heart.

After all, there are a lot of nice & pretty non Christian/backslidden women who are willing to date, there's the thrill of dancing in clubs every night till your legs wear out, the thrill of getting high on booze and cigarettes and finally, having more money will give you a really comfortable life.

But yet, as I look at my colleagues, they don't seem too happy with their lives. Sex, after all last less then 10 minutes (erm, I think lah. We're not the French, heheh) What's good sex compared having a good marriage? And after all, a pretty wife does not nescessarily equate to a happy marriage. She might be having an affair for all you know (heh, I'm saying this according to marriage stats)

And finally, booze can only drown out your sorrow, not actually healing away the pain and mend away the wounds. And it makes your wallet even more empty(!)

Guess that's it. Jesus is still the way, the truth and the life. Although other ways may seem interesting, it only leads to death. After all, Christ mentioned, 'Narrow is the way that leads to life'. I will serve Jesus Christ with all my heart.
