Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Quiet or noisy?

Ah, the finals is finally over. For many, it is a case of many papers, making the final paper so delightfully nice. However, I had only 1 paper throughout the semester (this is what you get for failing *sigh*) and so, it's the first and last paper for me. Oh yea, how's the paper? Erm, dun ask

Anyhows, would be heading to KL to release tension, eat in Burger King other than bringing out the juniors. Just a running thought, do you guys ever sit and think when you eat a burger? For example, burgers from your roadside burger stall, Mcdonalds, Burger King, KFC and stuff from Chili's and TGIF.

Hah, if you really want to taste a burger that's almost similar to those you get from Chili's and at a much cheaper price, you won't go wrong with Burger King. This is due to the fact that BK uses the same cooking technique as employed in Chili's.

Mcdonald isn't too far away, but KFC's burgers are really crap. And those roadside burger stalls? Heh, they don't even come close to what a burger is in America. Just try setting up your Ramli burger stall in America and the people will ask you what is it? *grin*

Ya, enough of burgers for today. Just another running thought. Do you guys think I'm a :
1) Quiet person
2) Oklah, not too quiet and not too noisy either
3) Kinda chatty
4) Noise maker! Nuff said (would take super strong Acme glue to keep me quiet)

Would appreciate input on this. Perhaps I would make a poll huh? *wink* Comments welcomed and appreciated!

God Bless and Happy holidays~!

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