Sunday, August 28, 2005

It's a priviledge

Those mosquitoes won't leave me in peace. Darn, I might be playing the wrong notes for Sunday service later, *sigh*.

Been having these thoughts the last few days, and here I am to jot them down before I forget. It's been a priviledge knowing some of you, and indeed, it's truly enriched my life. At times, it challenged the way I thought (which is good, coz I might never have changed and might have remained in my destructive thinking), at other times, I don't know what I would be, if I hadn't met the bunch of you, or if I had remained satisfied playing computer games 24/7.

It's a priviledge, because at times I tend to expect from my friends, expect cause I know you guys for so long, or I hang out with you guys, and it was wrong to have expectations, cause friendships aren't built on that.

Thanks and God Bless!

p/s: Another thought that was constant in my mind was 'building bridges' Hmm, it's so much different than being a pest, let's hope I remember that.

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