Thursday, December 16, 2004

Back and sold out to Christ

Hey, I'm back! Was actually writing a post on our crazy jamming trip with Joel and the rest but I couldn't finish it, hehe. It'll be up soon, sooner than later I hope. Just trying to get it short, concise and yet, funny.

Anyways, I'm back. Actually, we're back from Gentings. It was awesome to see God move within the 3 days and 2 nights we were up there in Gentings. And it was the 1st time I was holding responsibilities in a Youth camp, after so long.

And, what was the highlight? Well, still am processing how the camp went. Was really good, really, as the preacher expounded on spiritual truths, the most memorable would be, 'Knowing the bible is just the 1st step, but applying it dailly is the 2nd step that most of us fail' Do we want to make a difference in our workplace, ministry and even friends? Let's live for Christ and Christ alone.

And it was good to be among the youths of SCC Ipoh. Haha, looks like I'll have some bullying targets the next time I see some of them. Beware Yin Ting, Michelle, Julie and Sopphia~! Muahahaha *evil grin*

Till then, do enjoy the photos(!)

Shekinah Youth Camp photos (some photos are not here for privacy purposes *smile)

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