Saturday, February 28, 2004

What matters

Met up with some old CF friends recently, most of them had graduated. What amazed me was that though we weren't really buddies back while all of us were still studying (yea, I still am studying *sigh*), but leaving MMU and growing up made us all closer.

One of them said that he was really amazed at how I managed to survive and yet improve a lot from the last time he met me (It was true that I went through a hard period of time in MMU and life, but thank God it's over) He even apologised for how some people were in CF then. I guess it happens. Crap happens here and there. Sometimes there are just some people that won't get along with you, no matter what you do. But as long as you've made the effort, isn't that what matters most?

Looking back, the Christian Fellowship was a place I met and made meaningful friendships. Even though I had my gang of friends then, but nowadays, it's harder to talk to them now than the friends I served with in the CF. It's always so much easier to relate when you talk about God, church, ministry and what's God currently teaching you. Somehow, relating on a Christian level gives us an instant bond of brotherhood. Unlike this, meeting up my old gang of MMU buddies, conversation would range from job, money, house and life partner. And sometimes corny jokes on chicks, heh.

Guess I'll end here. What matters? Not the crappy people that reject you or ignore you (heh, or me for this case), but people whom after graduation, you could still look to them as friends, buddies and brothers. People whom you can call for a drink and a chat at some mamak to catch up on old times. We sometimes don't realise how much others mean to us until we graduate and don't see them anymore. When they're around, we quarrel, squibble and get frustrated with them, or maybe them with us.

Isn't life too short for hating someone? And compared to the cruel world out there, it's always just minor things in CF that make people pissed off with each other and quarrel. Grow up dudes! *sigh*

God Bless~

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