Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Hope while the storm rages

When everything shatters,
A million questions, many uncared,
Deep valleys, rocky pathways,
Where is God when it hurts?

To a place to hide,
Shall I give up? Shall I let go?
'Curse God and die,' said Job's wife,
I shall still hold on to Christ, even if I die.

When storms and pains calmed,
A brighter future, a brand new day,
God making things alright in His own way,
Christ my saviour for all of my days.

Hi there~! This is the first time I'm posting a poem as a post. And nope, I'm not down and depressed. Am really fine actually (except for a leaky nose, time to call the plumber, hahaha~)

I thought of the poem sometime last week, when something happened (ya, I know, it's all ambigious, but well it's private, heh) It was during the midst of it all, the uncertainty and yet the hurt that I felt God's presence and God's reassurance that it'll all turn out fine. Just like the sun after the storm.

Things are fine now, friendships better off than what I expected. A testimony to trusting in God even when the storms seem to beat so hard. God's there even if nobody care. And it's even more true when thoughts of running away from problems clouds my mind over and over again.

What else can I say? It's amazing how God has brought the guy nobody wanted to know, the guy nobody gave much hope in, the guy they once called a loser, so far. Hope in the Lord, that's all I can say. Trust in Him although situations you're in drives you to tears. The Lord, our God will bring you through it all.

As I'm writing this, we're on the verge of starting a Youth ministry. And I have faith that God will use this to impact the community, the people and finally the nation. Dreams of revival, of preaching in stadiums filled to the brim, of seeing the Muslims saved. Not bad for a person they once wrote off as a loser huh?

God Bless~!

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