Hey dudes~! I'm back again and blogging more about the missions. I told myself I better blog or write about this sometime soon or else I would begin to forget the details and everything else (just like the Sarawak Mission Trip we had)
Training & preparation on the 28th was good I guess. We sorta got everything in place; the children's ministry; the sketch; the dance and a bit on the sermon. It started off with meeting for lunch at the HB3 foodcourt (while Desmond and I tapaued pork for lunch). And dat was followed by meeting up in Boss' place for our preparations.
Preparations not only included practices, but also preparing the stuff involved like cutting, binding and so on, so forth.
The highlight of the day? Guess that happened when Charis almost fell off the chair and Ken went, 'Aiks, if she really fell down, I wouldn't know where to put my hands to stop her' and saying so showed us his 2 hands. Hahaha~!
On the 31st, we went for dinner in Puchong followed by training and practices.
And finally, on the 1st, we did training with Annette. Training with Annette is always something different, just like with other FES staff. I guess when FES trains us, they always make sure that we're well equipped to do the missions, other than just being observers.
It all started in the morning with worship and me being late (due to tiredness from the camp, a bad stomach and also preparing the sermon until the wee hours of the morning). Had a miss call from Charis to remind me that I was late before rushing out for the training.
After worship, we had morning devotions, led by Su Chen and then finally Annette took over. It was a time of reflection for us as we were asked reflect and answer the paper Annette gave us. Something that helped us define who we are and what we expected from the missions.
After lunch, we had a few games that actually opened our eyes. First came the teamwork game, where we had bible readers, clue searchers, idlers, bible holders, bible translators and finally writers. And to top it all, we had to be tied together to a piece of paper and ensure it was intact throughout the game with everyone except the searcher blindfolded.
And Annette and Ray were the 2 erm, distractions that were meant to distract and disturb us throughout the game. And the funny thing was that they (or more like Annette) kept disturbing us, snatching the bible, pen and even pulling out hair and poking us in our stomachs. I think Charis was the person most attacked by Annette due the the responses she gives (ahahaha~! you guys should be there as well)
And being the searcher I was, was hard as the team kept expecting you to fend off the dangers and even scolded you if you don't. *Sigh* And imagine leading 5 other blind people with a mischevious Annette and Ray behind your back. And having Boss (DK) shouting with all his might next to you, 'Annette~! Don't disturb us ar~!' when in fact Annette was really far away. (heh, am surprised I'm not deaf)
There was also the tribal game where we had to come out with our tribe name, King, rules and punishment. At that moment, I became Koo Koo Shy, the King of Shyland with people dat kept saying 'Shy Shy this, Shy Shy dat'
And it was really good fun with fun scenarios and seeing the other group with their Raygagugilaha kingdom and saliva worship rituals.
After all the games, we proceeded with going through the questions Annette gave with Annette, with Annette facilitating everything. After brushing everything up, dinner was at Dengkil where me and Chris Chou had our haircuts as well.
And then it was a time of preparing everything and getting ready to leave the next day. Packing up whatever is needed for the trip as well.
p/s: We also went to Alamanda, Putrajaya, but I can't quite recall when.
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