Wednesday, September 08, 2004

The 10 days

Phew! We're back in business these holidays~! It's been an awesomely hectic, tiring but also rewarding 1 days that began on the 28th August and ended just on the 6th of September.

And I thank God for all the 10 days we had. The training, camp and then missions trip. I can safely say for myself and my teammates, 'We came back changed~!' And I thank God that we've got to know each other better from the 10 days that was spent together.

How was the 10 days? (Writing here for memories sake)
28th - Training by Charis and Boss
29th to 31st - CF camp followed by awesome dinner
1st - Training by Annette
2nd to 5th - Missions followed by welcome dinner by Annette
6th - Debriefing by Annette and Ray

Imagine spending 10 days in the midst of the same bunch of people day in and day out. 10 days of mostly eating together and sleeping together. 10 days of listening of each others jokes, craps and also stuff you can't even label as jokes (hehe). And finally 10 days of seeing each other in action, the strengths, the weaknesses and the corniness of it all. I wouldn't give the world for those 10 days.

To my teammates: Audrey Tong, Daniel Khoo, Charis Liew, Joshua Chiam, Angeline, Teh Kean Sing (and dance as well), Su Chen, Chee Yong, Chris Chou, Beatrice Leong, Chern Liang and Ray (The X-ray dude)

Keep the fire burning~!

p/s: Check here for photos and more on the missions. Gotta go~ Working @ 8 am!

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