Thursday, June 24, 2004

Euro 2004 part 1

Football makes people go crazy, don't you agree? I was back home one day when my crazy housemates (Yes! They are really crazy people!) were watching the Portugal-Greece match. And there I was casually mentioning that by the way Portugal was playing, it was definite they would lose by a goal.

And lo and behold! Portugal lost the match 1-2 and the gals in the house were asking for my head~! (FYI, one of them had bet rm 200 for that game. Crazy indeed..hmmm) Apparently it was my big mouth and my so call-ed gift of prophecy (!)

Ha, it was a couple of days before I actually did start to comment on anymore soccer results. Now, how about tonight's match? England and Portugal looks interesting enough too~ *Grin*

Oops! I think I see my housemate! Gotta go! Till next time! England's gonna win~~!! Trust me on this!

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