Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Live and in the can

The last few weeks has been hard for me. Misunderstanding, hurts and questions. And at times like this, you just wish there was an undo button somewhere, or perhaps a save game to reload unto. But yet, I could search the entire Indian ocean and yet come out with nothing, nada, elek.

But God heals, and I know He does. At dead ends and broken relationships, I know that turning to Christ is so much better than ramming the divider head on at a high speed or playing an assortment of games to keep my mind off things. But God, it's still hard..

Was listening to Delirious' Live in a can album, when the words of the song 'What a friend I found' ministered over and over again. And though I know I would get hurt again, I know He's there for me. Just gotta hold on to my source of strength and hope..

Here's a short poem, heh, from the usually not-so-poetic me. Have fun.
I could never understand,
Never comprehend, the distance between us,
Perhaps in my naivety it all seems easy,
Not realising the things I do, do keep you away.

I beat my chest in frustation,
In sadness and in hurt,
On perhaps you'll never be as close as before,
It's hard losing a friend you've known for so long.

In my moments of weakness, I cry,
Oh lead me God, carry me through these all,
Help me understand that You've a plan for us all,
Even in the midst of broken friendships that tear me apart.

As I bring my burdens to the Cross,
My hurts, frustrations and all that bear me down,
He takes me up and makes me whole again,
Is life a circle of going to the Cross over and over again?

Perhaps in time things would be better,
Perhaps it might never be,
I still couldn't comphrehend nor understand,
But I know in Christ I could soldier on..

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