Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Slow Cooker Christianity

I was brought to realisation that Christianity is indeed a slow process of being Christ-like in nature. And sure enough, it's more of a marathon run instead of a 100 meter race.

Back then, I used to believe that it's all about jumping around for Christ when there's a praise song, that it's all about how big the church/CF could ever grow, that it's all about being gung-ho about our Christianity. I even reduced my listening to Hillsongs and mostly talked about Christianity and salvation to my friends. It became so bad, that at a point of time, I couldn't maintain a decent conversation on any other topics other than Christianity and Politics.

Slow Cooker Christianity. This writing certainly has been a slow cooker one too. Slow Cooker as in, nowadays, most churches are targeting hype and the buildup of emotions in concerts to reach out. And at times, they tend to lose focus of the big picture. Is Christianity a thing you get high on every camp and concert? Or is it something more than that?

Slow Cooker Christianity because I believe God's still moulding me and shaping me. Yea, true, you might say I'm oversensitive. But then, there was so much scars from hurtful remarks and actions. I guess I've to learn to love. And love myself, God and the people around me.

And as I looked at 1st Timothy and 1st Corinthians, about the requirements of an overseer and also on love, I find that there are many things I've to learn. I need to learn to be temperate, gentle and not quarrelsome. And on the aspect of love, I need to learn to not behave rudely, not be provoked, thinks no evil, bear all things, believe all things and endure all things. That's the magnitude of love, agape love in the bible.

And if you look at 1st Corinthians 13, you'll find that love is mentioned sandwiched between spiritual gifts and also prophecy and tongues. This is God's love, beyond those we see on the LCD plasma TVs and all.

Yea, and well, I believe that something new God's teaching me is to invest in other people's life. Invest in building a community instead of trying to grow a large youth group.

It's not easy, to run the race. It's never easy to be moulded by God in a certain way. After all, it's always much easier to sit back and let things be the way they are.

Help me God on these issues.

God Bless~

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